8 Signs you have a Stoic Personality

A Stoic personality provides stability in a world full of chaos, they are the people we turn to during hard times, that bring us back to the center when our emotions begin to flail. 

They are resilient and excel in preserving amidst tremendous hardship, all the while maintaining unwavering strength and tranquillity.

If this sounds like you, then you may have a stoic personality.

Below I have listed 8 key signs to help you find out.

Stoic looking man


1. You are rational and perceive the world with reason and logic

A Stoic person exercises reason to navigate their way through life, not allowing their emotions to stain their perception of reality, they see things for what they truly are. 

This fosters the serene temperament they are known for, as they avoid additional suffering caused by an overactive imagination, It’s often the case, that we anticipate things to be worse than they actually are, and it's our negative thoughts surrounding an event that act as a catalyst for worry.   

When times are tough, a stoic person falls back on their reason to remain calm and negotiate their way out of the situation. 

To foster a more rational approach to life, our Fortress of Reason: Stoic Print serves as the perfect anchor to guide you back to center. 

Stoic Poster

Allow the words and imagery to encourage you to exercise reason, rather than passively succumbing to life's challenges. Click here to begin your transformation.


2. You aren't easily provoked by others

A Stoic has a strong feeling of agency over their mind, making it difficult for people to manipulate them. 

They recognize that they are responsible for their thoughts and perceptions, and that nothing anyone says can harm them unless they allow it to.  

By acknowledging that it’s not the words someone says but their perception of those words that can causes distress, a stoic remains serene in the face of challenging people.

They maintain command of their mind, not giving the other person permission to dictate their thoughts.  


3. You embrace discomfort 

A Stoic accepts that life comes with a large helping of discomfort. 

Rather than trying to avoid it as much as possible, they face it squarely, using pain as a way to forge greater mental strength so they suffer less in the future. 

They also strive to be courageous, disciplined and honest, virtues that require them to regularly face discomfort. 

Man jogging  


4. You aren’t materialistic 

The stoic personality puts a higher focus on appreciating what they do have rather than on trying to acquire more. The less they can learn to be happy with, the more joy they get to experience and the greater security they feel, as they understand the vulnerable nature of material success. 

By taming their desires the stoic is prepared for hard times, as when misfortune strikes, they will be less affected than the one who has become attached to decadence. 

Instead, the stoic focuses on developing their character as external victories can be stripped away, the fulfilment you get from winning internal battles will last a lifetime. 


5. You don’t complain much 

Do you often complain when things don’t go your way, or do you practice acceptance?  

A stoic chooses the latter. 

They understand that many things are outside of their control and endeavor to let these things go. A stoic person strives to live in harmony with the flow of life and enjoys greater inner peace because of it. 

They realize that to stand in opposition to their current circumstances is futile and only serves to make things worse for themselves and those around them. 

Rather than complain, they opt to concentrate on their actions instead of external circumstances, maintaining their inner stability amidst hardship.

Stoic looking woman, red hair


6. You are humble

A clear sign that you have a stoic personality is that you don’t allow success to go to your head. 

While there's no harm in taking pride in our achievements, permitting them to make us feel indestructible is a concoction for ruin. 

A stoic recognizes that success can quickly be taken away if we are not vigilant and that luck often plays a major role in our victories. 

By remaining humble they stay aware of potential pitfalls increasing their chances of sustainable growth. 

If misfortune does strikes, their humility will mean they will have less trouble picking up the pieces and starting again from scratch. While the arrogant will be cast into a perplexed state of disbelief, refusing to admit where they went wrong.


7. You try and see the good even in bad situations

No one gets through life without suffering tragedy, a stoic person will look for the lessons to help them endure the pain. 

A death in the family may cause the remaining members to appreciate each other more, getting laid off could lead to finding a more fulfilling career, a breakup might teach the importance of independence and self-love. 

While the perceived benefits do not mitigate the pain, they do help the stoic to start moving forward with their lives. 

By seeing difficult times as opportunities to become better people they speed up the recovery process, returning to inner strength and serenity. 

Man walking on beach in the evening, smiling


8. You have a strong sense of purpose 

A stoic person is compelled by a sense of duty to make the world a better place, to live in harmony with others and to contribute to the good of society. 

Just as the plants, birds, ants and spiders go about their daily tasks that help support our ecosystems, the stoic strives to find their place in the world, where they can harness their strengths to best serve others. 

They demand the best from themselves, developing their characters to their highest potential, aspiring to take full advantage of the gifts nature has bestowed upon them. 

Their sense of duty means they cherish their time and safeguard it prudently. Gossip, shallow friendships and activities involving drugs and alcohol are often off the cards for a stoic, instead electing to spend their time with more meaningful pursuits. 



Thank you for embarking on this journey of self-discovery, I hope it led to some revealing insights about the stoic personality. While it’s likely many of us do not possess all of these qualities, having just a few can bring some much-needed strength and serenity to the world. 

If you feel that these traits don’t apply to you then do not fret. There are still plenty of other highly valuable personalities that contribute to the world in a different way. We are all unique and have our own approach to life. Let's celebrate our differences and continue to push to become the greatest version of ourselves. 

Thank you to all the stoics out there for your wise counsel, calming presence and constant striving to make the world a better place.


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